No Slugs

We all love our garden and beautiful plants in it. Nobody would like to see the plants are damaged due to slugs and snails. Simultaneously slugs and snails are part of nature’s wildlife cycle. It is our ethical duty to protect the wildlife and nature. The slugs and snails are food source for toads and birds etc.

The best way to protect our plants from slugs and snails is by using ‘No Slugs’. It is a 100% natural mineral which stops slugs and snails from reaching the plants without killing them.

  • It’s 100% natural
  • Non-toxic
  • Stops slugs and snails without harming them
  • Suitable for organic gardening
  • Safe for children, Pets and Wildlife
  • Guaranteed slug stopper

Available Size : 3.5kg.

No Slugs

3.5 kg. bag